Moving forward

It has been almost 6 months. According to Sex in the City, I should be over him (ladies – isn’t the recovery period suppose to be the half life of the relationship?) Yet, I am not. I have met wonderful people, I have gone on a couple of dates, I have gotten excited over someone new. But I am not yet over him and I am definitely not ready to move on. I read this great post on thought catalogue: How to Get over a Breakup in Ten Practical Steps. I knew I wasn’t over him when I look back this month and I have been just seeking familiar bodies. The more I missed him the more lonely the world felt. But odd because I have also overcome steps 4-9. I guess this stream of consciousness is just to speak to the fact that getting over someone is a journey with no particular order of steps or designated time. It just happens and is a part of living – so great healing journey that I am on please continue! I look forward to tomorrow another day forward. 


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